
California – Arizona Province of St. Joseph

Are you on fire
with the love of Christ?

What’s it like to be a Discalced Carmelite Friar?

Our Carmelite

Allegiance to Jesus Christ in Our Lady’s Order

We are committed to a consecrated life of allegiance to Jesus Christ. In this we are sustained by the companionship, the example and protection of our Lady. Her life of union with Christ we regard, as it were, the prototype of ours.

Unceasing Prayer

This call to prayer embraces our whole life. Sustained by the word of God and the sacred liturgy, we are led to live in intimate friendship with God. By growing in faith, hope and above all charity, we deepen our prayer life. With our heart thus purified we are enabled to share more closely in the life of Christ himself, and prepare the way for a more abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In this way the Teresian charism and the original spirit of Carmel become a reality in our lives as we walk in the presence of the living God.

Apostolic Ministry

The very nature of our charism demands that our prayer and our whole religious life be ardently apostolic, and that we put ourselves at the service of the Church and of all mankind. This must be done in such a way that ‘our apostolic activity stems from our close union with Christ’. Indeed we must aim at that most fruitful of all apostolates which derives from the ‘state of union with God’.

Constitutions 15: a,c,d

Do you thirst for divine intimacy with God and apostolic ministry?

Provincial Office

Fr. Matthew Williams, O.C.D.
Provincial Superior
P.O. Box 8700
Redlands, CA 92375
(909) 793-0424

Nellie Lara
Assistant to the Provincial Superior

Vocation Office

Fr. Matthias Lambrecht, O.C.D.
Vocation Director
P.O. Box 3420
San Jose, CA 95156
(408) 251-1361 x324

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